Isaac Hayes’ Estate Officially Sues Donald Trump

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Isaac Hayes’ estate is suing Donald Trump for copyright infringement for the use of “Hold On, I’m Coming.” 

According to reports, the paperwork was filed on August 11, and cites 134 counts of copyright infringement. “We demand the cessation of use, removal of all related videos, a public disclaimer, and payment of $3 million in licensing fees by August 16, 2024. Failure to comply will result in further legal action,” a statement posted by Isacc Hayes III reads. The paperwork also states that the legal action could extend to “federal litigation.”

Hayes’ son recently revealed that the family was looking to take legal action against Trump for his use of the song. This isn’t the first time Trump’s been blasted for using songs without permission. Many artists such as Rihanna, The Rolling Stones, Adele, and Celine Dion have also protested the use of their songs at his campaign rallies. 

“It is most unfortunate that these artists have publicly posted on their social media and asked Team Trump and other candidates not to use their music- and yet their candidates keep using their music,” James L. Walker Jr., an attorney for Hayes Enterprises said in a previous statement. 

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