Rudy Giuliani Must Hand Over His Luxury Assets To The Black Women He Defamed

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A federal judge in New York Tuesday gave Rudy Giuliani seven days to turn over his home and several of his most prized possessions to the two Black women that he defamed.

In 2023,  Giuliani openly admitted that he told lies about Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, two Georgia poll workers who Giuliani accused of infusing fake ballots into the state’s count so that Joe Biden could win the 2020 election. As a result, Freeman and Moss were threatened with violence and harassed by MAGA bootlickers who would do anything to please their führer, Trump.

Last December, a jury in Washington, D.C., ordered Giuliani to pay the Moss and Freeman, $148 million in damages for spreading lies.

U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Liman said Freeman and Moss can start selling Giuliani’s assets as soon as he places them in their receivership.

Freeman and Moss “will finally begin to receive some of the compensation to which they are entitled for Giuliani’s actions,” said their lawyer Aaron Nathan. “This outcome should send a powerful message that there is a price to pay for those who choose to intentionally spread disinformation.” Giuliani’s attorneys said the plaintiffs “will be required to return all the property” to their client “when the judgment is reversed” on appeal.

Judge Liman noted that he has seven days to complete the transfer of ownership to his New York City apartment, a vintage Mercedes-Benz that was once owned by famed actress Lauren Bacall, a diamond ring, signed New York Yankees memorabilia, and 26 luxury watches including Rolex, five Shinolas, two Bulovas and one made by Tiffany & Co.