Chris Rock Allegedly Upset With Slap Scene In ‘Bad Boys 4’

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Chris Rock seemingly is over being slapped by Will Smith two years ago at the 94th annual Academy Awards. 

After “Bad Boys 4: Ride or Die,” starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, premiered at No.1 in the box office, Rock is reportedly upset with the slap scene in the film stating that it is “reminiscent” of the Oscars incident. A source close to the actor said that the scene was a “cheap stunt,” and was unimpressed by it. 

“Chris thinks it’s a pretty cheap stunt and he’s telling people how lame he finds it,” the source said. “It’s a classic case of Will making light of a horrific situation. Will’s playing the victim. It was the lowest point of his career, but that’s no excuse.” 

Will Smith has spoken publicly about being a changed man since the infamous Oscars slap and has allegedly referenced the slap in the movie. The film’s directors also saw the parallels between the slap scene and the incident and describe it as a “meta experience.” 

“I think, you know, if you watch the movie, you see that there are some parallels between what’s happening in the movie and real life,” they explained, “You know, there’s- it’s almost like a meta experience that Will, in the character of Mike Lowrey, goes through with some themes.” 

Chris Rock remains frustrated with the attention that the incident constantly receives. The source added, “It aggravates him that people keep bringing it up. He suffered as much as Will has and now Will has turned it into a funny scene in his movie. As far as Chris is concerned, it’s more proof that Will’s a total piece of work who deserves all the crap he’s gotten.”