Diddy Wipes Entire Instagram Page

Diddy wearing black and white.

Sean “Diddy” Combs has deleted all posts from his Instagram, including his apology to Cassie Ventura. This move occurred during the week of June 16 without any official statement from the music mogul. Diddy’s Twitter and TikTok accounts remain intact, with his December 2023 post declaring “Enough is enough” still visible on Twitter.

Diddy’s Social Media Scrub Amid Controversy

Diddy’s Instagram purge follows recent allegations of abuse and legal troubles. The timing coincides with accusations that Diddy assaulted Cassie Ventura over her alleged relationship with Kid Cudi. Combs’ former bodyguard, Roger Bonds, detailed the incident in a VladTV interview, saying, “Diddy became enraged at the thought of the two being intimate.”

Bonds recounted the mogul’s reaction when he couldn’t find Kid Cudi at home, alleging that Diddy physically assaulted a former employee named Capricorn, believing she knew about Ventura’s relationship with Cudi. “He put hands on Capricorn because of that situation. Capricorn ended up leaving and suing him for it,” Bonds explained. “He paid Capricorn $450,000 to keep her mouth shut.”

Footage and Apology

In May, CNN released footage showing Diddy physically assaulting Cassie at a hotel in 2016. This video contradicted his previous denials. In response, Diddy issued an apology, stating, “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I was disgusted then when I did it. I’m disgusted now.”

Meredith Firetog, a legal representative for Ventura, criticized Diddy’s apology. Firetog called it “disingenuous” and said, “Combs’ most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt…That he was only compelled to ‘apologize’ once his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation.”

Despite the public apology, he has continued to face scrutiny and legal challenges. His statement from December, where he denied the “sickening allegations” against him, remains on Twitter. “Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged,” Diddy declared. “I will fight for my name, my family, and for the truth.”

Artists often wipe their social media in anticipation of new projects. However, in Diddy’s case, the motive behind this action remains unclear. With ongoing legal battles and public backlash, his future in the public eye is uncertain. As of now, his representatives have not provided further comments on the situation.