Kandi Burruss Reveals That Ozempic Did Not Work For Her

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Kandi Burruss opens up about her experience using the weight-loss drug, Ozempic. 

After jumping on the trend after seeing so many of her friends try it, she quickly realized that it wasn’t working for her. “I saw so many people who were trying it and losing weight. So I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to try this.’ And I didn’t lose any weight,” she said during her interview with Page Six’s “Virtual Reali-Tea” podcast.

Burruss continued, “My doctor was like, ‘I don’t know what the problem is, I’m not seeing this in other people.’ It didn’t curb my appetite. I know some people are like, ‘Oh, I can’t eat.’ Not me! I was eating appetizers, a regular meal and dessert, OK? It didn’t stop anything for me,” she continued.  “When you see it worked for other people and it doesn’t work for you, it makes you depressed. Realistically, it makes you feel like, ‘What is wrong? Why is it not working for me?’”

She also talked about the amount of weight she gained after leaving “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” earlier this year. “After I left ‘Housewives,’ I was eating good, living good. Now, mind you, I was already 10 pounds over my desired weight at the top of the year. But then, when I announced that I was not going to do ‘Housewives’ anymore, I was eating dessert every day, taking trips, just living it up. Before I knew it, I was like 170-something pounds and it was not cute.”

For those who don’t know what Ozempic is, it is an FDA-approved medication that was designed to help those with Type II diabetes. A while back we reported that Oprah Winfrey had stepped down from WeightWatchers board of directors after it was revealed that she was taking a weight loss to help her lose weight. 

She would later host a special on weight loss drugs as a way to “bring together medical experts, leaders in the space, and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment, and stigma surrounding weight.”