Kevin Hart Blames ‘Molly’ Drug For Cheating On Wife, Eniko

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Kevin Hart admitted to using the drug molly (or ecstasy) prior to cheating on his wife Eniko Hart during a 2017 incident in Las Vegas.

The pill, medically known as MDMA, is commonly referred to as molly or  ecstasy.  MDMA is found in tablet or capsule form but can also be a powder or crystal. According to the alcohol and drug foundation, MDMA is an empathogen, which increases an individual’s feeling of empathy and kindness.

Hart made the revelation August 6 in Los Angeles Superior Court in a deposition as part of an ongoing case from his former friend Jonathan ‘JT,’ Page Six reported Tuesday.

During that night, Hart, 45, says that he was coerced to do Molly by an unnamed friend. Unfortunately, not only did the drug take him on a trip, but, according to some, it almost cost him his entire family.

Hart told district attorney investigator Robin Letourneau that a friend (who he did not name) had pestered him to use the drug. “No, I don’t really f–k with drugs like that,” he told the unnamed friend. However, the “Ride Along” actor eventually succumbed to the nagging, putting it in a water he had been drinking.

The Philadelphia native said, “F*** it, I said, and I put it in my drink. I had some water there. It was watered down. Because it’s in my drink, I’m fine. I’m fine with drinking. The night is good.”

Hidden camera in hotel room

The court document further described Hart’s account of the events that weekend, when he met a woman named Montia Sabbag.

Hart stated that he brought Sabbag and another woman named Morgan to his hotel room despite being married to his wife Eniko, who was home pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Hart said in court docs that he “did not have sex with” Sabbag on the night they initially met, but “had sex with her the following morning” after she she woke him up.

The Borderlands star said that Sabbag had made an effort to position them “closer” to a hidden camera used to film a sex tape that he said was a focal point of an extortion plot against him.

Jackson was eventually arrested in 2018 and charged with multiple felony extortion counts, with the charges dropped in 2021.

Jackson in July sued Hart, saying the Die Hart star had breached a ‘meticulously negotiated’ contract they had agreed to in July of 2021, in which Hart said he would “issue a powerful public statement proclaiming” Jackson to be innocent of any illicit allegations made in connection with the scandal, Page Six reported.