T.I. Arrested In Atlanta In A Mistaken Identity Case

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T.I. has been the victim of mistaken identity over the weekend. 

According to reports, the rapper, whose real name is Clifford Harris, was arrested at the airport in Atlanta for an outstanding warrant. However, the authorities arrested the wrong Clifford Harris. The Clifford Harris who is wanted by the police is someone who got in trouble in Baltimore, Maryland. 

He allegedly has displayed violent behavior toward a woman, and he’s also wanted for stalking and possible dealings with a handgun. The report says that the wanted Clifford Harris weighs roughly 205 pounds, while the rapper weighs 165 pounds. 

Although there are clear physical differences, T.I. was taken to Clayton County Jail and faced an extradition hearing due to the warrant being issued out of state. T.I.’s lawyer put an end to the situation and got him released within two hours of his booking. The extradition order was also dismissed by the judge. 

What are your thoughts on this matter?