Tyrese’s Ex-Wife’s Restraining Order Request Allegedly Denied

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Tyrese’s ex-wife, Norma Mitchell, has not been granted her restraining order. 

It has been reported that after Mitchell filed a defamation lawsuit against the singer, she went back to court requesting an order of protection. The drama between her and Tyrese began after he began to put their business on social media. 

The judge denied the restraining request and noted that their were “no facts presented do not show reasonable proof of a past act of acts of abuse.” However, Mitchell, is allowed to try for another restraining order in July when she meets with the judge face to face. 

Mitchell filed the restraining order citing that she was being harassed by Tyrese on social media. The documents state that some of the singer’s posts cited defamation. He accused her of forgery, extortion, among other things.

She claimed that the posts revealed some private details about their court battle, and that he attacked her. She also stated that her ex leaked their court documets to the public.

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